Nov 15, 2008

This Too shall pass?...alliance empire beef

This war thing still continues and why? -- the artist them make money from it. The fans them love it but fraid. The selecters them jus a walla walla inna it and of course a make a living. On the international scene its neither here nor there
.. but you know if nothing happens for one year it would seem like no war was on, would it?.
Is it for real though? or was it manufactured? you notice some a dem a put out product line!... is this whole beef thing stupid?.... will it continue in '09? Do you these guys really want it to stop or you want it to tone down a bit?... would the artist them stop like how them a make money off it?... who are the real instigators? who a fuel the fire?.. what would the scene be like if there were no beef (no pun on D'angel here) between these guys? ...a reach 21 questions yet?...(nuh bother count it)
If them wanted to know how to end the war? ..they need to ask Assassin.. trust me.

The media played its role in all this... TVJ entertainment report peeps a sey they just gave the audience what they wanted when questions were asked about the interviews with Mavado and Kartel recently.

Anyway big up artist like Etana, Tony rebel, Buju..yeah Buju always a lick out against these things...He is in this clip...

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