Nov 17, 2008

Dancehall Dirty Dancing --- way beyond the stars

Dirty Dancing ! that was the name of a movie a think in the late 80's or early 90's I dont really member... but i know for sure is NOTHING, NOT EVEN CLOSE.... to what we in JAMAICA have redefined. The girls them from Montego Bay namely Dima, Excellent, Oiler etc has revolutionized the concept of dirty dancing... with the help of the selectors and the atmosphere of the times.... They have taken things way beyond the stars.. hate it or love it for those who have not seen it before (see video below).. it is something to make you laugh and cry and the same about mad, sick head nuh the selector would say BOMBOOOO CLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT....
The girls are trying to take their portion of the pie, because the men were taking over the scene at one they went into a realms (in my opnion) to take back the spot light... so when talk about under the truck,on the live light wire, in the coconut tree...anyway anyhow anywhere anywho anywhat anywhen...they are going to do it!
I remember watching a clip with the Mo'bay girls at dance in Mo'bay and they hold onto a dread that was picking up bottles in the session and they wine-up on him pulling out his locks and beating him in his head, all this when the dread was trying to escape to do his bottle policing.
It has been going on for the past 5 years or more.. it does not happen at every session but you can see what it takes to entertain some Jamaicans these days ....
Sorry about video quality
check it out to Bombo CLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat....mad!

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