Jul 9, 2010

Vybz Kartel Might be released today

DJ Vybz Kartel detention expires today... and should be released depending on the discretion of the security Minister who can extend the detention.
It appears that the detention does not dent the volume of tunes put out by the DJ...he has one track preleased called Love Yuh SUh which apparently is still under construction thus it being a preview. The DJ also has a new tune called Yuh Love Chat -- produce by Russian --indicatin in the intro that he is in Jail ..

1 comment:

  1. Have him call me or his management call me I want to do a concert with him hame him call me at 340-277-2155 or ngeorge.ng13@gmail.com .Please stop getting in trouble I need to bring you to St.Croix USVI to promote stop the crime and stop blaming the music for the crime young me do.
