Oct 4, 2009

Major Mackerel chopped.. with Samurai Sword

Major Mackerel ..what a Irony with the shirt

A lot of people around the world just like many Jamaicans seek a better life in first world countries. Its normal.. it was and still is the thing to do, to get ahead in life. Most of the persons reading these blogs and other on-line material are expatriates who perhaps have been comfy since the day they left Jamdown. Not all can say the same.. I have heard about the ordeal of that Jamaican dancer who was assualted by a fed while in jail in one of the small islands in the good ole West Indies..
You know, Jamaicans go out and hustle try to improve their lives and that of their love ones. So when Josey Wales repeatedly chanted "Nuh Lef Yah..Nah Lef Yah".. he was amongst a number of recording artiste that seek a better life elsewhere. Amongst them was Major Mackerel well known for his unique vocals..that up to this day, it has not been matched.
Major resides in Brooklyn and apparently had some some dispute with his neighbour about coveting his neighbours wife. The neighbour accused him of harassing his wife ..didn't like it and then proceeded to use a Samurai sword and chopped Major Mackerel. Apparently this is a case of mixing with a dutty bungle, persons you would not want to be around. He is still alive and relatively well after the ordeal ..and was reportedly saying its a Jamaican thing... which is another way of saying he rather get chop-up and stay abroad rather than come a yard and go get chop up...
I wonder if the attacker really spent some time in Japan or is he Japanese.. they do have a thing for sea food.

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